
          If I am hired by Baruch College for improvment use of new media for Baruch college, I would use many different platforms to tell people the advantage of attending our school. I would first make a the the school account on Twitter, Instagrami, and facebook. Then constantly post school events or location of a college fair for our school. Also, I would take a short interview witho undergraduate, graduate, and student who graduated our school working for a company.  I will emphasizee how graduating from our school helped them getting a job and how well they are working. In these days the main criteria for getting a deploma might be how easily they can get hired. Since our school is a business school Baruch college is well known as a Business school but people may concern if they can get a job with business major. Yet, if we also advetise on Computer science majors and get some connection with som companies might help increasing computer science majors. Our school is already well known for a business school, I think it’s better to keep advertise on some other majors and catalog about the major. The main key of using new media is how effectivly tell  users about our college. Within a few words and short clips of video I would try my best to tell advantages of graduating our college.


  1. Hi Lee, I find your advicies about our school improving its media sources hulpful, however, I believe most of your suggestions are already taking place in our media platforms. What I would suggest is that if our school could be able to set up an online chat (add-in to the current platforms, or just create a new one) that would be very useful for both parties (staff and students). It would save everyone decent amount of time on daily basis with each question. Overall, I believe your suggestions make sense and hope that our school will make some changes to improve its media platforms.


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