There are lots of Social Medias out on online. SNS had been popular for many years after smartphone came out on market and since facebook qulicky adapted mobile environment on SNS. More people had been easily posted their photoes, videos and short sentences. The smartphones had chaged the whole environment of SNS and people no longer needed to go home turn on their computers and open up website of SNS.

       The next new Social media would be something related to 5G. People will be able to shoot 4k video lively and strean 4k video without any rags or buffering. Since the data speed is 20 times faster than 4G, there will be ton of new technologies based on 5G network. Many other things will be possible, people can react lively communicate lively like they are next to each other. An SNS that target only video communication could come out and communicate with pictures or videos only without words. Within the video, people can edita text easily and will be more focused on video editing. 


  1. This is a really cool idea. Hopefully it comes sooner than later! but first I think we need to worry about getting internet service while on the subways/trains. Spending 20 minutes commuting everyday with no service is a drag when there is a ton of emails and articles I can be reading.

  2. Whats interesting is that I've seen several advertisements from phone companies about 5G and like Chris said, hopefully it comes out sooner than later! I don't know if you heard about it yet but MTA is actually starting to roll out redesigned subway cars with Wifi that would be enabled by 5G data speeds! Definitely an interesting concept to look into! You can see it in the train design shown through this article: !


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