There are various ways a Bog Social Networking can help corporates and businesses. We have to know how people track data or get informed on what they are looking for. If a person wants to buy a headphone but does not have any information about headphones. Then the person might easily search on google like "Top 10 headphone in 2019". There would be more than millions of searches and blogs can draw online traffic of anything people are looking for. Among thousands of headphone the blog will pick what they want to advertise or post their recomandatio with detailed information about it. Once people liked the reviews on blogs, the Blog can also keep customers engaged and increase more subscribers. As more people get engaged the blog will get famous and can influence on certain industies.
The dark side would be some blogs are operated by finance from corporation. Simply they get pay for what they are advertising on their website, and it could not be accurate or neutral. Like other advertisement blogger could adverties as company want and could not be true. If a customer trust the blog and brought the product they advertised and the product could not qualify as advertised. It's hard to be neutral after getting paid for what they post, and customers can easily get tricked.
in my opinion the future of blog social networking will consistently grow. People still interfaces through blogs, read the posts leaves feedback and get informed out of the postings. Many blogs provides great sources of information and provide information on various topics. There are thousands of ways of using blogs and interact with people and we are using blog as a tool of social networking with millions of people with million of different thoughts.
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